TanglePod Letter – Issue 1

A Newsletter for Followers of the TanglePod Podcast. Subscribe to TanglePod and get the full newsletter, bonus episodes and more!

Every time we meet, we find ourselves conversing on a variety of topics that center on creativity, focused mind time, how to get our creative flow going again, adding balance to our day and mindfulness to our life. TanglePod developed from the idea that we want to share our enthusiasm with others to help them benefit from the joy and wellness that time spent creating can bring.

As we continue to grow our TanglePod adventure, we want to give you, new tools to grow your creativity, find time for focus and breath, add balance and mindfulness into your daily life, and keep your spark of creativity alive and growing.

2019 brought our new TanglePod on Paper series, a companion workbook to our TanglePod episodes.  We are now excited to introduce TanglePod Letter our quarterly newsletter with tips, exercises and reflections, as well as TanglePod Lessons, a series of lesson plans available to subscribers who are CZTs to use with their students.

We look forward to bringing you more tools for you to tap into, to help guide you to make time for creativity, get you past roadblocks and coach you to let go of self-judgment.

So here is to a year full of fun-damental exercises, cheering reflections and in-depth study to guide you along in your creative practice,

Juliette and Kellie

“You are not being judged,
Let your work being judged on its own.” 

TanglePod Episode : Trust—available for subscribers

There is a difference between you and your work. Creativity is drawn from emotion, which sometimes leaves us feeling vulnerable. It is a thought created feeling. You are only one thought away from well being.  Try to place no judgement on what you do when you create and allow yourself the freedom to embrace what your creativity brings to you.


Let your work being judged. YOU are not being judged.

Be present in the moment, breathe, enjoy this moment you are giving yourself.

Keeko Step-Outs

Keeko Step-outs 1

Keeko is a familiar pattern around the world, it can look like weaving or a basket. It can easily be drawn straight or curved, tiny or with lots of space flowing through its lines.

Keeko Step-outs 2

As with many tangles, Keeko has a number of standard variations. You commonly see it drawn with three, four or five lines.

Keeko Step-outs 3

It seems like a simple tangle, but once you start exploring with an in-depth study you will find that small changes and observation open the door to infinite variety.

Keeko Step-outs 4

Keeko was originally deconstructed and stepped out by Zentangle, Inc. and has been a solid member of the tangle family since early on.

To access our full newsletter, with additional exercises and information please subscribe to TanglePod on www.tanglepod.com or on www.tanglepod.podbean.com.

Paid subscriptions also give you access to our archived and bonus episodes, as well as our most current workbook.